Asia Pacific



Unreal Engine Meetup Melbourne (UEMM) holds meetups that focus on all the uses and industries Unreal Engine has become a part of, ranging from traditional game development, virtual reality, film production, and other non-traditional uses.

Each meetup we’ll have a guest speaker, who will introduce you to pipelines, and other interesting development stories.

At times we’ll have member of Epic Games join us to discuss new features of the engine coming out and the wider Epic ecosystem.

Unreal Engine Melbourne welcomes people of all skill levels, we will advise when a meet up may be directed at a specific skill level.

If you would like any information or wish to show off your project feel free to get in touch with any of the organisers.

Past events

Fireside Chat

World Building in Unreal Engine 5 - Masterclass & Mixer - Melbourne

Fireside Chat

Utilising DevOps tools with June

Fireside Chat

What's new with Unreal 5.1


Tyson Butler-Boschma

Co-Founder/Creative Director Toybox Games Studios PTY LTD

