Unreal Fest 2022 Livestream
Visit https://ue.unrealengine.com/ENT-2198_WBN-10-2022_UE-WBN-Unreal-Fest-Streaming_registrationlandingpage.html to register for this event.
Day 1 - Tuesday October 18, 2022
Making Better Blueprints (Epic Games)
Enter the Rumbleverse: What Goes Into a Good Battle Royale? (Iron Galaxy Studios)
Building Worlds with UE5 and the Quixel Ecosystem (Epic Games)
Building Open Worlds in Unreal Engine 5 (Epic Games)
Advanced UI Templating Techniques using Widget Blueprints and Materials (Epic Games)
Day 2 - Wednesday October 19, 2022
Improving Iteration in Geo-Distributed Scenarios (The Coalition)
Working with Data in Unreal Engine 5 (Epic Games)
Building Tools Quickly: Blueprints, Menus, Utilities, and Widgets (Embark Studios)
Crystal Dynamics: Taking the Heroic Leap from a Proprietary Engine to UE5 (Crystal Dynamics)
35 UE5 Features You Probably Don't Know About (Epic Games)
Cross-play, P2P, and Unreal Engine -- Easier Said Than Done (People Can Fly)
Day 3 - Thursday October 20, 2022
Power Your Games with Free Epic Online Services (Epic Games)
Quixel - Roadmap and Ecosystem Update (Epic Games)
Building a Safer Digital Ecosystem through Developer Tools (SuperAwesome)
Livestream dates & times
October 18 10:30 AM CDT | 11:30 AM EDT | 8:30 AM PDT
October 19 9:00 AM CDT | 10:00 AM EDT | 7:00 AM PDT
October 20 10:00 AM CDT | 11:00 AM EDT | 8:00 AM PDT
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