Unreal Engine for Film Makers Level II Webinar

Jan 7, 2022, 2:00 – 5:00 AM (UTC)

About this event

Unreal for Filmmakers Level II Webinar| Advanced Unreal Tutorial

About this event

Join Scott Rosekrans and Edward Dawson-Taylor as they share some advanced concepts that highlight what is possible inside of Unreal once you have the basic concepts down.

They will be going over:

Mocap workflow with suit - retargeting to metahuman

Green screen footage - composure? no! - use material

Remote session sync and scout

VR mode and camera take

Possibly Nvidia or Faceware or other content as time allows

*Join us in our FB group for a FB live where you can ask questions in the comments for them to answer!


**You can also ask questions without going into our FB group to our brand new *TWITCH* channel:


To book a class now:


#filmmaking #unreal #advancedunrealtutorial #learnunreal #unrealforfilmmakers #cgpro


  • Waqas Hussain

    Unreal Community Leader


    Edenic Era LLC
