What do we mean by VR

Dec 16, 2022, 5:30 – 7:30 PM (UTC)

About this event

Predavanje: "Što je sve VR" (Davor Bokun)

Što se sve danas nudi pod jednim zajedničkim nazivom "VR", kako razlikovati jedne od drugih, te kako se odlučiti što vam zapravo treba.

Davor Bokun je samostalni software inženjer u području grafike u stvarnom vremenu, internetskih aplikacija i igara. Diplomirao Računarstvo na FER-u u Zagrebu. Od 2016. godine vodi vlastitu računalnu tvrtku Aileron d.o.o. u Splitu.

Nakon predavanja ćete čuti kratka predstavljanja lokalnih umjetnika i developera real-time aplikacija i igara. Na kraju ćete imati priliku upoznati se i razgovarati sa svakim i saznati sve što vas zanima.

Meetup se ovaj put održava u suradnji s Visokom školom Aspira, na adresi Domovinskog rata 65 s početkom u 18:30 u petak 16.12.

Ulaz je slobodan. Vidimo se u petak!

PS. Ukoliko planirate dolazak na meetup uživo, možete se najaviti koristeći prijavnicu kako bismo bolje pripremili meetup.

VAŽNO: Datum održavanja meetupa je odgođen tri dana da se izbjegne preklapanje s utakmicama Svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva.


Talk: "What do we mean by VR" (Davor Bokun)

(note: the talk will be in Croatian language)

What is all considered VR today, how to tell things apart, and how to know what you're really looking for.

Davor Bokun is a freelance software engineer for real-time graphics, web applications and games. He earned his masters degree in Computing at FER in Zagreb. Since 2016 runs his own software company in Split.

After the talk you'll hear short presentations from our local artists and real-time applications developers. And lastly, it's a meetup so you get the chance to meet and talk to everyone in person.

This meetup is organized in collaboration with Aspira College - Split, at address Domovinskog rata 65 starting at 6:30 PM on Friday the 16th of December.

Entrance is free for all. See you there!

IMPORTANT: Date was pushed back three days to avoid clashes with the World Cup matches.



Friday, December 16, 2022
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM (UTC)


5:30 PMDoor opens
6:00 PMDavor Bokun - Talk + Q&A
6:45 PMNetworking


  • Antonio Bačić

    telelink business services

    Unreal Community Lead

  • Denis Jakus

    Lead Organizer