Interes za grafiku u stvarnom vremenu, razvoj računalnih igara, XR i virtualnu produkciju nesumnjivo raste jer je splitski Unreal Engine meetup upravo dobio još nekoliko sponzora. A oni su, osim spize, pića i prostora za meetup-e, prvenstveno spremni ponuditi zamamne poslovne prilike talentiranim entuzijastima. Ako još niste, ovo je prava prilika za doći na meetup, predstaviti se zajednici, i ostvariti prvi kontakt.
Osim prilike za pomak u karijeri, biti će prilike i za isprobati Aileronov VR simulator leta zmajem. No ipak, glavni događaj večeri će biti online posjet iz Argentine, Epic Games-ovog evanđelista za Latinsku Ameriku Ignacija Baldinija. Ignacijeva specijalnost su poslovni razvoj i produkcija, ali vrlo rado govori o bilo kojoj temi vezanoj uz razvoj računalnih igara. Ne propustite.
Zahvaljujući sponzorima scaleup Office i Sigmoid Lab, meetup se održava u scaleup Office Split prostoru na adresi Poljička cesta 39, a počinje u 18h u utorak 6.9.
Ulaz je slobodan. Vidimo se!
Interest in real-time graphics, games development, XR and virtual production is definitely on the rise, judging by the fact that our Meetup just got a couple of new sponsors. Besides food, drinks and meetup venues, they also offer enticing job opportunities for talented enthusiasts. If you still haven't, this is the right opportunity to show up, introduce yourself to the community, and make that first contact.
Besides the career advancement opportunity, there will also be an opportunity to try out Aileron's VR hang gliding simulator. But the main event of the evening will be an online visit from Argentina by Epic Games’ evangelist for Latin America Ignacio Baldini. Ignacio’s specialty is business development and production, but readily talks about anything related to games development. Do not miss it.
Thanks to our sponsors scaleup Office and Sigmoid Lab, the meetup will take place in scaleup Office Split at Poljička cesta 39 and starts at 6 PM on Tuesday the 6th of September.
Entrance is free for all. See you there!
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
4:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)
4:00 PM | Door opens |
4:30 PM | Introductions |
6:00 PM | Ignacio Baldini - Talk + Q&A |
7:00 PM | Networking |