Tennessee Unreal Club - Introduction Spring 2024

Jan 26, 10:00 – 11:00 PM (UTC)

About this event

This meet-and-greet style event is here to inform all our new and returning members of the events the Tennessee Unreal Club plans to host during the Spring 2024 season. 

Social Mixer. This meeting will serve as an opportunity to get to know our club members and season objectives.

Game Showcase. Featured during the season will be several Virtual Reality games that were made within the Unreal Engine. Explore the vast capabilities of Unreal Engine 5 as we take you through a virtual presentation on all the latest games, animations, films, and content creators have made. 

Haunted BRAGG. Dive into a horror experience like no other. The Tennessee Unreal Club is hard at work to bring the MTSU John Bragg Media and Entertainment building into Virtual Reality as a. On-Rails Horror Experience. You play as a student who has accidentally left their notes in the building, but beware... a hoard of cryptids seeks to end your search early. The walls decay, floors stretch, and doors hold back the horrors within. Stay safe in a Janitor's basin and make your way towards the door. Be careful of what lurks around each corner!



Friday, January 26, 2024
10:00 PM – 11:00 PM (UTC)


  • Paul Griswold


    Community Leader

  • Joshua Mahan


  • Alaina Sorrow


  • Ashten Royse


  • kat shattuck

    Public Relations